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Good morning,

As we all know the cost of paper just goes up and up and up! What do we say to our customers? How do we support what we say?  I always feel that I am on the back foot!  The prices never go down!

Meanwhile we are countdown to Christmas. Some of things we can help you with.


·      A Photo book makes a beautiful and well thought of present to a loved one. Download our free software and make your bespoke book and personalise the binding with a lovely message on the outside. http://www.blissetts.com/services/photobooks

If you do not have the time, then we can do for you. Ask me for details............

·     Christmas cards. Design your own and we can print and remember digital foiling for the design

·      A bespoke note book. See our site http://www.blissetts.com/services/shop-online . If you do not see what you want, just ask.

Have a good week.